FLPA Twilight Webinar - Parental Alienation
What is it? How do you deal with it?
Join us for an interesting and informative CPD on parental alienation, to be co-presented by Dr Ben Jones, forensic psychologist, and Genevieve Dee, partner at Landers and Rogers. Dr Ben Jones will discuss parental alienation, how to recognise it, how it impacts children, and provide some practical information for lawyers and report writers in relation to what interventions may be helpful. Genevieve Dee will review recent case examples involving allegations of parental alienation and discuss the legislative framework adopted by the Court when considering matters involving parental alienation.
When: 5:30pm, Thursday, 24 September 2020Where: via Microsoft TeamsCost: FLPA Members $20 and Non-FLPA Members $30
RSVP: Please click here for the online form and make payment by Monday 21 September 2020.
CPD: Rule 48(2) of the Queensland Law Society Administration Rule 2005 and the Bar Association of Queensland CPD Policy permit, on a self-assessment basis, the treatment of attendance at a conference as a CPD activity at the rate of 1 CPD point per 1 hour of attendance (excluding refreshment breaks).
More Info: Contact membership@flpa.org.au
Cancellations non-refundable, substitute permitted.
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